Technical Assistance for Project Management and Supervision of Works: “Rehabilitation and Extension of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in Dambovita County”

Project Info

  • Completion Date

    Completed: April 2011

  • Category

    Technical Assistance

Project description

The project funded under the Environmental Sector Operational Program, Priority Axis 1 (2007-2013), included rehabilitation/extension of the water treatment plants and distribution networks, and wastewater collection and treatment plants.

Our engineers contributed to implementation of distribution networks water loss detection effective management system.

The activities provided within the project included:

  • Short-, medium- and long-term strategy for distribution networks water detection effective management system
  • Theoretical and practical operator personnel training for distribution network water loss zone identification
  • Conception reporting system for the network zones showing the distribution network zones which register the most breakdowns/intervention in time and length