Technical Assistance for Project Management and Supervision of Works: “Rehabilitation and extension of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in Galati County, POS Mediu 2007-2013”

Project Info

  • Completion Date

    Completed: June 2015

  • Category

    Technical Assistance

Project description

The project funded under the Environmental Sector Operational Program, Priority Axis 1 (2007-2013), included rehabilitation/extension of the water treatment plants and distribution networks, and wastewater collection and treatment plants for 11 clusters.

Our engineers provided contractors’ treatment plants process verifications and compliance per contract requirements, including hydraulic, and mechanical projects.

We provided the beneficiary with technical assistance and supervision of the erected projects as well as during the projects’ start-up and commissioning. These activities included verification for compliance with the project specifications for technological equipment (pumps, grit and grease and grit removal chamber travelling bridges, clarifiers bridges, aeration systems, equipment for sludge thickening, dewatering, anaerobic digestion, and drying), piping and construction materials.

Other activities provided within the project included:

  • Waste management of the wastewater treatment plants
  • Protection of water resources
  • Wastewater Master Plan revision and update
  • Execution works supervision